Taking Candle for a spin by 'Building GPT From Scratch'

Learning a new framework can be done by building something new, or by porting an existing piece of code. The advantage of the latter is that it's possible to assess how
Freelance Technical Debt Collector, vinyl and science (fiction) nerd.
Learning a new framework can be done by building something new, or by porting an existing piece of code. The advantage of the latter is that it's possible to assess how
Different methods for traversing file-systems with PySpark. From the mundane to the occult.
This article details some solutions to programming interrupts in Rust on the Arduino Uno
It can be difficult to plan your next development step, or know who to hire. How do you build and recognize the good from the mediocre experience? Consider polyglots: People that can program in multiple languages.
Increase the parallelism of loading data through JDBC with Spark using predicates on non-numeric columns.
Learn how you can configure SonarCloud for Bitbucket Pipelines cost-efficiently by controlling memory consumption. With examples for TypeScript and Python.
Some tips on loading data into AWS Neptune with Apache Spark
Podcasts on AI and Data
And it feels good. After having sniffed at entrepreneurship in my previous job as a partner at Anchormen [anchormen.nl], a data & AI consultancy, it is now time to build something new.